Gogs - Go Git Service

Gogs is a painless self-hosted Git service. It is used in our environment to allow an easy management of Git-Repositories.

Right now we do use version 0.11.29.

Chart Details

This chart uses the Docker image provided by gogs itself. Furthermore it has a requirement on our Mysql-Chart to provide a datastore.

Get this Chart

Our central repository is located at: https://devopsku.be/charts, please configure this in your helm installation (via helm repo add). Then you can download and install this chart using the usual helm procedure (see Using Helm).

If you would like to contribute and/or like to make changes on this chart, please clone this repo via:

git clone https://github.com/devopskube/devopskube.git

Installing the chart

If you have cloned this repository, you do need to update the requirements of this chart beforehand via helm dependencies update in the chart-folder.

Other installation-instructions can be found on the above mentioned Using Helm page.


The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the Gogs chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
domainName Domain Name of this Gogs Instance example.com
hostName Host Name of this Gogs Instance gogs.example.com
httpContainerPort HTTP Port of gogs in the container 3000
sshContainerPort SSH Port of gogs in the container 2222
skipTlsVerify Should TLS certificate verification be skipped for webhooks true
startSshServer Should the SSH-Server of gogs be startet true
secretKey Secret Key for private data encryption (Should be changed) !#@FDEWREWR&*(
mailer.enabled Should the Mailer-Service be enabled false
mailer.heloHostname HostName for Helo gogs.example.com
mailer.host SMTP Server including Port smtp.example:587
mailer.from From Address gogs@example.com
mailer.user User for SMTP (usually an email-address) gogs@example.com
mailer.passwd SMTP Password averysecretpassword
mailer.skipVerify Skip certificate verification false
log.rootPath path where logs are stored in gogs /data/gogs/log
server.appDataPath path where gogs app data is stored /data/gogs/data
server.sshRootPath path where ssh-data is stored /data/ssh
repository.root path where the git repositories on the guest are stored /data/git
attachment.path path where attachments are stored /data/gogs/data/attachments
session.providerConfig session data is stored here /data/gogs/data/sessions
picture.avatarUploadPath avatar storeage path /data/gogs/data/avatars
persistence.dataPath Path on the host, where gogs stores data /data/gogs/data
databaseType The databaseType mysql. postgres or sqlite3 mysql
mysql.databaseName The name of the database gogs
mysql.databaseUser The database user gogs
mysql.databasePassword The password of the database gogs
mysql.persistence.path the path where the mysql stores the data on the node /data/gogs/mysql

NOTE: If you do change the sshContainerPort, you also have to change this port in the nginx-ingress-controller.

Further configuration settings can easily added in the deployment.yaml file and/or in the configmap-gogs.yaml. Please have a look on the Gogs configuration cheat sheet for a detailed explanation of settings.

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install.

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,

$ helm install --name my-gogs -f values.private.yaml gogs-x.x.x.tgz

Tip: You can use the default values.yaml


To be able to keep stateful data in the gogs kubernetes container, the following path is used:


Right now, we do use HostPathes, which do not work in a real cluster environment (like AWS or GCE). Please adopt this one to your own needs.

Initial Login

The first user, registered into gogs is going to be the Admin User.

Connect to the gogs instance

The gogs Instance can be reached via the configure URL and the corresponding port (port: 443 for SSL, port: 2222 (sshContainerPort) for ssh). Therefor using the above mentioned default configuration, the gogs instance is then reachable via:



  • Adopt persistence to be able to run this in the cloud as well as on single node "clusters"
  • Update to a later version of MariaDb